Chatbots: How AI is Changing Relationships

In my previous blog, I discussed how algorithmic matchmaking was changing how people choose their spouse. In this blog, I want to explore how AI is actually displacing human relationships. While the first example shows some evidence of improving the quality of marriages, the examples in this part are more worrisome. Chatbots are slowly taking on human-like functions in a speed that is alarming. In the near future, they could not only displace human relations but also deteriorate existing ones.

In need of conversation, how about chatting with a bot?

Chat bots and intelligent agents are the first level where this type of displacement is happening. The idea here is a computer interface that responds to us in human-like form. Chatbots for example are increasingly being used by companies to address customer service needs. Instead of talking to a real person, you can interact with an intelligent application that responds to your needs and answers your questions. While this can be an effective way to solve customer problems, this introduces a new paradigm into human-machine relationships. Our interaction with machines have been limited to very narrow band of actions in which we often have to structure our communication to machine-specified parameters. That is, we had to learn the code language or press the right button to get a response from the computer. Intelligent chat-bots do that work for us. We speak/type our problem and they reason its way into a solution.

Siri is the most popular examples of these intelligent agent.  Yet the video below shows how Luna is much smarter than Siri spelling the future of what chat bots will be like in a few years.

Luna is a non-profit AI aimed at solving world problems like teaching math in rural areas and other humanitarian projects. This project deserves a blog on its own. For now, I will leave you with the link to the robot without borders organization and Luna’s creator if you want to learn more.

Intelligent agents like Luna go beyond fulfilling mundane needs, being able to engage in deep conversations about Philosophy, Religion, Metaphysics and even Theology. The computer goes from being technological slave to becoming a conversation partner. One that is able to dive into the complexities of the human experience. In this way, it is not far-fetched to foresee humans developing deep emotional bonds to these machines, even stronger than those we have with animals today. The movie Her depicts a future scenario in which humans have romantic relationships with these intelligent agents. Are we ready for this scenario?

Can chatbots make us less lonely?

As chatbots become more advanced as in the case of Luna, people will start seeking them for higher needs of companionship and affection. This trend in itself is concerning. A programmed companion made to cater to all our needs it is the antithesis of a healthy human relationship of give-and-take. My suspicion is that this could eventually shape our relationship with other humans by fostering unrealistic relational demands from each other. It could also lead to some to greater isolation as his or her emotional needs are increasingly met by artificially intelligent machines. Not all would be negative, as these applications could provide much-needed support for those who struggle with depression and other mental illness. It will all depend on how we use these technologies. As long as we keep on asking the question: How can this technology foster human flourishing? This should keep us as a guide for future un-foreseen scenarios.

What’s next?

What about physical needs? All examples above represent a disembodied interaction. What if there was a body involved? What if you could have sex with a machine? Well, sexbots are now being developed. This is a concerning trend that I will grapple with on my next blog.

AIgorithmic Matchmaking: How AI is Changing Marriage

In a previous post, I mentioned that AI was changing relationships. In this multi-part blog, I want to delve further on this topic to describe how AI is changing marriages. I will focus on algorithmic matchmaking which is present in dating sites like e-Harmony. Because these online dating sites have been around for a while, the idea of using technology for matchmaking has gained some social acceptance. However, from a historic perspective, this is nothing short of revolutionary. For centuries we have resorted to family members, traditions and even our own whims for finding our mate. Now this is being done through Artificial Intelligence. While e-Harmony arranged marriages account for a small portion of marriages (only about 4% at the moment), given our dismal record on divorces, I see adoption of this method to continue to grow in the coming years.

Before criticizing this trend as another example of technological over-reach, it is important to understand how these applications work. To enter the company’s database, the spouse-to-be needs to answer over 150 questions about themselves. This includes personal preferences, demographic (gender, age, place or residence), and behavioral data based on website click-data. This data is then aggregated with other users and historical data. The data is fed into machine learning algorithm that then assign different weights to each factors making it possible to quantify how compatible two users are to each other. So for example, if the historical data shows that male Nascar fans tend to stay together with females that like Harley-Davidson bikes, then users with these traits score higher in compatibility and are more likely to be paired together. The model analyzes hundreds of traits in this manner producing a final compatibility score between pairs of users.

What is different about e-Harmony is that they actually track their relationships success and are able to feed that knowledge into their models. In other words, they are able to match people based on how successful marriages were for similar past versions of these new users. With 16 years of data, the models should have a solid baseline for compatibility. Also, unlike other dating sites, e-Harmony does not allow the user to look for dates. They are limited to the matched produced by the algorithm. That is, they trust that their model is better than the user him/herself in looking for long-lasting relationships. If their numbers are to be believed, divorce rate of e-Harmony couples is around 3.8%. Now, I would sure love to see whether these numbers hold out over a period of decades.

While I am not privy to all the variables and methodology used by the site, their approach seems sound. They are basically quantifying data available from both their user base and psychological research on the topic and making that wisdom available to relationship seekers. It is as if you could evaluate a large number of marriages at once to try to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Certainly, a computer would do that job better than just relying on one person’s experience. While we are limited to our own experience and others around it, models can aggregate results from thousands of people. I see this approach expanding beyond dating site to becoming an enhancement for matchmaking in the offline world.

This does not mean all marriage partners should be chosen through this process. The model’s foundational idea is that marriages live or die because of compatibility. That may not be the deciding factor for all marriages. Also, people change in ways that questionnaires cannot capture. Moreover, even if the approach proves out effective over-time, I don’t see entire societies changing century-old traditions to adopt this new way of choosing mates. Technology changes fast, people not so much.

This is the first part of this blog where we explore how AI is impacting relationships. In this case, we have an example of AI altering relationship between humans. The next level of impact is how AI is reinventing machines interfaces in a way that may displace human relationships. This is AI not enhancing but actually replacing human interaction.

This is when things get complicated.

5 Things Christian Leaders Need To Know About AI

AI is fast becoming part of our lives.

So what?

While it is easy to see how this technology is relevant to IT professionals, business leaders and geeks (like myself), how does it impact those pursuing Christian ministry? In this blog, I put forth the five main reasons why I think Christian leaders should be paying attention to AI (and why I started a blog about it).

1. AI Will Directly Impact Those You Minister To 

Professionals in all areas will experience some type of disruption because of the rise of AI. Drivers, accountants and loan officers may become unemployed. Lawyers will have to re-learn to practice their profession alongside digital assistants. Business leaders will face competitive pressures to adopt AI technologies or see their business become obsolete. They may not identify AI as the culprit yet they will feel the distress caused by it and will be in search for answers.

Disruption is bound to cause anxiety, confusion and fear. While the church has been in the business of comforting the afflicted for centuries, we have not always done this in an informed manner. Understanding the implications of the upcoming 4th industrial revolution to come from these technologies can help you better speak to the lives of those affected by it. Not all of it will be negative, in fact much will be positive. Yet, fast change has a way to disorient us often causing us to resist it.

2. AI is Changing How We Relate to Each Other

As computers become more human-like, relationships are taking a new dimension. In a time where isolation increases, many will be looking for virtual companionship. What one could only find through human interaction will now become possible with highly intelligent machines. This can take place in many ways such as acquiring a companion robot, finding partners or friends through AI enhanced applications to pursuing intimacy with sexbots. The movie Her depicts a world where people engage in monogamous relationships with AI applications. This will become possible in the near future.

If you think gay marriage is a challenge, try marriage with robots? Experts predict that marriage to robots will become legal by 2050. If your parishioner wants to marry his/her android, will you officiate it? While this is still far off, the transition to this reality will start now as computer interfaces become more personable.

3. AI Can be Conduit for Missions and Incarnational Ministries

While AI will eliminate jobs, it will also foster new industries that don’t exist today. As AI applications become more common, there will be a tremendous demand for people with the skills to operate, fix and create tools based on these technologies. The education for these jobs does not exist and only a handful of degrees can prepare you to thrive in these new professions. This is truly where the church has a great opportunity by moving into this area early. Some AI professionals may already sit in your pews. Maybe it is time you invite them for coffee.

This could work for Christians of all denominations. Evangelicals could enter new missionary frontiers through business as mission that introduce this technology to developing countries. Mainliners could devise vibrant incarnational ministries around AI education and social empowerment. These are just a few examples but you get the picture. If the future of opportunity is in AI, then let’s carve out a space to live out the gospel in it.

4. AI Can Take The Study of Scriptures to a Whole New Level

AI can take your Bible software to a whole new level. Through natural language processing algorithms, we will soon be able to detect sentiment, do in-depth research in large bodies of texts and even summarize the life-work of great theologians in a matter of instants. We will move away from word searches to the researching ideas or themes implicit in the text. Imagine you want to prepare a message in the theme of joy. Not only you’ll be able to find all verses that contain the word joy but also actual examples where Biblical characters felt joy even if the words themselves were not spelled out. You will also be able to find passages with joyful tones through sentiment analysis. Suddenly, you will have many new avenues to explore the biblical text which before would require painstaking work to accomplish.

The possibilities do not end in research but also extend to producing new content. While the AI preacher is still a far cry, soon you will be able to enlist AI in crafting life-changing sermons and/or analyzing past sermons in new ways. By training AI applications with past sermons, the computer could create new sermons that align with your past style and theological emphasis. It is not that you would outsource the creative process to a software but using it could enhance your ability to communicate effectively. In short, new tools will be available for those who enjoy in-depth studies or want to improve on their communication skills.

5. AI Needs Christian Voices in the Conversation

Historically, Christians have been notorious in entering social conversations late. When we do it, our response is reactive, uninformed and grossly ineffective. My hope is that we address this challenge differently. While we are firmly grounded in the past through tradition, that should not hinder us from walking boldly into the future. The emergence of AI has profound implications to our humanity. Some even believe that our identity as a species will be altered. All of this is uncharted territory fraught with obstacles and great ethical dilemmas. If we believe our faith has something to say as humanity experiments with super intelligence then we need to make our voices heard.

This blog and is here to do exactly that – empower you to engage in this topic in an informed and faithful manner. Our vision is to shorten the learning curve so people like you can enter the conversation pro-actively. Check out our resources and past blogs and feel free to share this with other leaders.

The challenge to live the Christian life in an AI world is staring at our faces. Let’s hear the voices of our cloud of witnesses beckoning us to live for Christ faithfully in this present context. This starts by entering the conversation.

Will you heed the call?

Can Companion Robots Heal Our Loneliness?

Can companion robots improve the social life of the elderly? That is what Intuition robotics wants you to believe with their new product: ELI Q. This sociable robot interacts with their users reminding them to take their meds, call friends and even to play games. Their rationale is compelling. With an aging population and longer life-spans, using AI to prevent social isolation is a clever idea. The question is, of course, how much is it really incumbent on the user to seek out these interactions?

Not in ELI Q’s demographic, no worries, there are plenty of other sociable robot options for you. Meet Buddy, the companion robot for everyone. He will remind you of Rosie of the Jetsons. He can protect your home, play your music, display facial expressions and more. This project also has a social component in that it proposes to democratize robotics by using an open source platform. That point caught my attention since making robotics technology accessible could be a game-changer for developing countries. Using technology for human advancement is always an attractive proposition.

Now for the future of companion robots, going from cute to human-like, check out Nadine. This human-looking bot goes right past the uncanny valley. That is, she looks human enough not to give us the creeps. She also stands out by having advanced emotional intelligence able to detect emotions through our facial expressions and recall past conversations. Her creators also believe her to be a good companion for those with dementia or autism.

These are glimpses of a coming future where robots will increasingly become part of our lives. Given the acute social isolation many suffer from in our time, social robots offer a promising solution. Yet, can they really provide the relational warmth mostly found in human relationships? That remains to be seen. If, like in the first example, the robot is a conduit to strengthen existing relationships, than this could be a form of enhancement rather than replacement. However, judging by the last example, the line gets blurry. My hope is that we start reflecting on these issues now rather than once these technologies come to commercial fruition. The best interaction with technology is one shaped by human wisdom.

What are your thoughts? Would you consider acquiring a social robot? If so, why?


Ghost in The Shell: Can Cyborgs Feel Hope?

My plan was to convince my wife to go see Ghost In the Shell last weekend. Yet, after reading the scathing reviews, I opted for a different plan. As one interested in the topic of AI, it sounded like the original animated movie (Ghost in the Shell – 1995) directed by Kazunori. A critique of the Hollywood version was its lack of depth compared to the original. Apart from the controversy about white-washing, it seemed like the biggest complaint was the the American version had watered down the content of the original Japanese-British version. This signaled to me that I needed to watch the original. With a few clicks and Amazon prime, I sat down to watch on my laptop on Saturday night.

I didn’t know what to expect but the movie did not disappoint. The quality of the animation along with the music and the rich plot drew me right in. I will not dive into the story to avoid spoiling the experience in case you decide to watch it for yourself. I just want to highlight two main observations. First, I was impressed about how visionary the writers were in painting a plausible vision of the future. They depicted a time in which humans can augment their brains with hardware and cyborgs who can upload human memories. Considering the beginning development of brain interfaces, this scenario is not far-fetched. Secondly, the movie excelled in exploring what it means to be human in a world where technology had become embedded into human bodies. This is the area I want to explore a bit in this blog.

The leading character in the story is a female cyborg who starts asking existential questions. Half-way through the movie, she engages in a dialogue with a male cyborg about the experience of diving in the ocean. She describes what is akin to a transcendent experience as her body emerges from the water. As the conversation develops, she reminisces about her unique experience and how that is similar to humanity. Suddenly, as they are talking, a voice speaks through her (something akin to the Spirit) and quotes I Cor 13:12 (about minute 2:42)

It is difficult to unpack this deep conversation in a blog but I have to say that this scene alone was worth the whole movie. Major (the female cyborg) is yearning for some type wholeness, just as the Apostle in I Corinthians is pointing his readers to the future restoration of all things in Chirst. As the movie ends, Major does experience the wholeness she is looking for (yet, you’ll have to watch the movie to see that for yourself).

Judging from other parts of the movie, it is clear that Major is not purely a cyborg. She has human parts even though she is mostly machine. Without stretching this too far, I wonder if Major is a picture of our future selves. Let me explain. As we move towards further “cyborgization”, with our bodies merging with our technological devices, are we in danger of changing our humanity beyond recognition? In that loss, are we still able to experience transcendence – that is, to move beyond our limited mortality into timeless realm? I am not even talking about religion but simply the ability to reach beyond our programmed and scripted present into a higher purpose.

Even as I write this, I sense the inadequacy of the words I am using. It is as if our vocabulary has not quite caught up with the reality we are about to experience. Yet, in all that, I am heartened to see the movie pointing to hope. In other words, it is possible, even in a body overtaken by electronics, to experience the very human trait of longing, love and expectation. They are the echoes of the restoration to come.

Much more could be said, for now I leave you with an expanded version of the passage quoted by the Major in the video above:

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly,b] but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love – I Co 13:11-13

Who gets to decide our future?


Business insider published a provocative article suggesting a transition to come where our devices will progress from being detached to wearable, and eventually to implanted. Elon Musk just launched Neuralink, a company seeking to develop a neural lace that could upload our thoughts. Sweedish startup Epicenter is now implanting microchips in their employees to act as cards so they can open doors and pay for a smoothie. Can this be the beginning of a whole new industry that wants to shape us into cyborgs?

This is not scientific fiction anymore but part of a near future. Technology is basically the outgrowth of humanity’s desire to create tools. Tools are extensions of our bodies so we can perform tasks more proficiently.  Yet, these technologies are taking tools to a different level: they are no longer extensions but would become actual parts of our bodies. This is clearly a new frontier we have scarcely considered.

As business titans imagine this cyborg scenario, the question I want to ask is who gets to decide our future? Just look at how our lives now are shaped by the gadgets that surround us. Are ready to accept them as part of our bodies? In a vacuum of vision, the future belongs to the few who dare imagine it now. Maybe it is time we step into these conversations and start imagining alternative futures.

Are you ready to imagine?



Augmentation versus Automation: The True Struggle for AI Success

In the discussion about AI, a lot has been said about the fear of automation. Yet, not enough is said about augmentation. Automation replaces human work while augmentation enhances human work. Just think about mowing your grass without a motorized lawn mower and you get the picture of what augmentation looks like. Without it, you would have to cut all the grass, sweep it into piles and then throw it in the trash. The motorized mower does steps 1 and 2 at once while also diminishing your physical exertion in the process. AI technologies do the same but for work that requires thinking.

AI and Augmentation

Visionaries at Amazon and Google, imagine a future in which digital assistants like Alexa will cut through all the tech fragmentation present in our current devices. How? Think about how many apps exist on your phone. Wouldn’t be easier to have all those apps managed by a digital assistant? In organizing and simplifying our digital life, AI could eliminate the current inefficiencies of keeping up with so many apps giving us time to do other things. This would not only help our personal lives but also greatly simplify our work lives.

Think about how many different software you had to learn just to do your job. What if this software could be simplified through an AI interface? Think about a device that you don’t have to type to get what you need, instead you can simply speak to it in normal conversation.

There lies the promise of AI: its ability to augment our abilities to get things done. It can not only remove repetitive and inefficient tasks but also helps us improve on what we already do well. I certainly would love to have a digital assistant help me write this blog faster. It turned out to be a total failure so I am still waiting for better AI writers. The question becomes, will these Silicon Valley titans achieve their dreamed augmentation.

Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

The False Promises of Automation

Contrary to augmentation, automation seeks to replace humans with machines that do job faster for cost-saving reasons. Think about the demise of manufacturing in this country, mainly driven by automation in factories. Consider the impact of truck drivers with the introduction of driver-less trucks. While companies could save millions by dispensing drivers, the human cost in lost income and social isolation would also be significant.

Automation does not lead to less work. At the beginning of the last century, some believed that because of the progress of technology, soon we would be working 4 hours a day or less. The thinking was that as machines automated manual work, humans would be free to sit by the pool seeping a margarita while the work gets completed. Needless to say, this scenario did not pan out.

Instead, we witnessed was the emergence of whole new work functions that now were needed to maintain the new technological ecosystem. Did we achieve new levels of productivity? Yes, but it certainly was not a linear process. As we could do more with less, organizations also started expecting workers to do more with their tools.

Above all, there has been an exponential increase in complexity. If automation enthusiasts envisioned a simpler future where work became easier they were woefully mistaken. The implementation of computerized machines added a whole sleuth of new requirements that weren’t there before. Surely that created the need for new occupations to emerge. Yet, as we look back at the 3 previous industrial revolutions, did they foster human flourishing?

A Theology for Machines?

As we approach the 4th industrial revolution, this augmentation vs automation framework allows us to reflect theologically on the role of machines. A theological view of technology, one that puts humanity before profit, will focus on steering tools towards augmentation as opposed to automation. It starts with how we view work. Is it a means to an end or an inherent part of our humanity? A utilitarian view of work will easily lead to the immoral way of automation. On the contrary, seeing work as an expression of our God-given humanity, can therefore see machine as allies rather than competitors for work.

Here we can also reflect on tools (technology) as an extension of the Imago Dei on us. God’s image imprint in us compel us to be creators through tools. On the flip side, the Bible often cautions us about the limitations of humanity. The Judeo-Christian tradition teaches us that there is only one Creator God who is greater than humanity. Any human attempt to usurp God’s place will be fraught with disaster.

Regardless of faith tradition, a theological view of technology will often ask the question: is this tool augmenting a human ability or replacing it? If it is replacing, what is the human loss? If it is augmenting, what are its limits? These questions alone should provide us some much-needed guidance as we step into the uncharted waters of Artificial Intelligence. May we ask them sooner rather than later.