How Can Humans Flourish?


In previous blogs, I often used the phrase “AI for human flourishing.” In this blog, I want to explore what human flourishing is.

What is Human Flourishing?

I learned of this concept still in seminary when taking classes on ethics, mission and ministry. It is a new term that encompasses three levels of well-being: emotional, psychological and social. It connotes a state in which people are thriving. This may or may not be accompanied by material wealth but it is broader to include less tangible factors such as joy, connection to others and personal growth.

This concept initiated a shift in my thinking away from concrete measures like getting a job, financial compensation, church numerical growth and decisions for Christ (a favorite in evangelical circles) to broader measures of impact. One can be thriving even while staying in the same place or job. One can be maturing even through hardships. One can become more loving even when circumstances worsen.

Human Flourishing and Spiritual Growth

From a Christian perspective, human flourishing is analogous to spiritual growth. While the first focus on good emotions, the latter focus on virtue. Yet, there is no reason to believe one is opposed to the other. In fact, I would venture to guess that true spiritual health should lead to overall well-being even if that is not the case at first. Take the case of the virtue of forgiveness for example, which now has proven to be beneficial to one’s health. This is just one example as how spiritual growth correlates with human flourishing.

I also like how the idea of flourishing points to the image of a garden. Plants in a garden do not only grow in size, they also produce fruits. In the same way, spiritual growth manifests itself in the fruits of human flourishing. The well-being translates into personal and social thriving. It manifests itself in healthy relationships, greater personal focus, mastery of new skills, perseverance to complete difficult problems and overcome the daily challenges of life and work. The individual that flourishes will inspire flourishing in others as this virtuous cycle spills over to those around her.

The main point here is that those concepts are interconnected. To focus on spiritual growth without seeing it reflected in human flourishing makes the first incomplete. In fact, the connection between spiritual growth and human flourishing reflects Jesus’ insistence that we would know a tree by its fruits. That is, It cannot be an internal change if it does not translate into visible change.

A Picture of Human Flourishing

As I try to describe it, I ponder on the gift and privilege of being a parent. Seeing my children grow gives me most vivid picture of human flourishing. I see them growing in knowledge, character and skill in many areas. I celebrate with them, every milestone from mastering the basic skills of speaking, reading and learning to be kind. Slowly I realize how fast they are growing, how beautifully they are flourishing. They are not following the same path or becoming the same person. Yet, each one of them is reflecting their own flourishing in becoming more like their own selves.

My dream for AI theology is that we do not stay in the realm of the abstract but that this conversation translates into concrete human flourishing. It is not just about a transfer of knowledge but an unlocking of potential that bears fruit. That’s why I am interested in innovative forms of education that harness the possibilities of technology as a tool for human flourishing. As a tool, technology gives us the “know-how” to take the raw material we have to use it to solve problems. I would love to see many empowered with the knowledge to build AI solutions that solve social problems.

Let us keep dreaming.