Chatbots: How AI is Changing Relationships

In my previous blog, I discussed how algorithmic matchmaking was changing how people choose their spouse. In this blog, I want to explore how AI is actually displacing human relationships. While the first example shows some evidence of improving the quality of marriages, the examples in this part are more worrisome. Chatbots are slowly taking on human-like functions in a speed that is alarming. In the near future, they could not only displace human relations but also deteriorate existing ones.

In need of conversation, how about chatting with a bot?

Chat bots and intelligent agents are the first level where this type of displacement is happening. The idea here is a computer interface that responds to us in human-like form. Chatbots for example are increasingly being used by companies to address customer service needs. Instead of talking to a real person, you can interact with an intelligent application that responds to your needs and answers your questions. While this can be an effective way to solve customer problems, this introduces a new paradigm into human-machine relationships. Our interaction with machines have been limited to very narrow band of actions in which we often have to structure our communication to machine-specified parameters. That is, we had to learn the code language or press the right button to get a response from the computer. Intelligent chat-bots do that work for us. We speak/type our problem and they reason its way into a solution.

Siri is the most popular examples of these intelligent agent.  Yet the video below shows how Luna is much smarter than Siri spelling the future of what chat bots will be like in a few years.

Luna is a non-profit AI aimed at solving world problems like teaching math in rural areas and other humanitarian projects. This project deserves a blog on its own. For now, I will leave you with the link to the robot without borders organization and Luna’s creator if you want to learn more.

Intelligent agents like Luna go beyond fulfilling mundane needs, being able to engage in deep conversations about Philosophy, Religion, Metaphysics and even Theology. The computer goes from being technological slave to becoming a conversation partner. One that is able to dive into the complexities of the human experience. In this way, it is not far-fetched to foresee humans developing deep emotional bonds to these machines, even stronger than those we have with animals today. The movie Her depicts a future scenario in which humans have romantic relationships with these intelligent agents. Are we ready for this scenario?

Can chatbots make us less lonely?

As chatbots become more advanced as in the case of Luna, people will start seeking them for higher needs of companionship and affection. This trend in itself is concerning. A programmed companion made to cater to all our needs it is the antithesis of a healthy human relationship of give-and-take. My suspicion is that this could eventually shape our relationship with other humans by fostering unrealistic relational demands from each other. It could also lead to some to greater isolation as his or her emotional needs are increasingly met by artificially intelligent machines. Not all would be negative, as these applications could provide much-needed support for those who struggle with depression and other mental illness. It will all depend on how we use these technologies. As long as we keep on asking the question: How can this technology foster human flourishing? This should keep us as a guide for future un-foreseen scenarios.

What’s next?

What about physical needs? All examples above represent a disembodied interaction. What if there was a body involved? What if you could have sex with a machine? Well, sexbots are now being developed. This is a concerning trend that I will grapple with on my next blog.